1. 设备选型:缘通租赁为景区提供了多款性能优异、操作简便的检票闸机供选择。这些闸机具备快速检票、人脸识别、二维码扫描等多种功能,能够大幅提升景区的检票效率。
2. 安装调试:在设备选定后,缘通租赁的专业技术人员迅速前往景区进行设备的安装调试工作。他们凭借丰富的经验和精湛的技术,在短时间内完成了设备的安装和调试,确保了设备的正常运行。
3. 培训服务:为了确保景区工作人员能够熟练操作检票闸机系统,缘通租赁还提供了全面的培训服务。通过现场演示、操作指导等方式,帮助景区工作人员快速掌握系统的使用方法。
4. 租赁期限:考虑到景区的实际需求,缘通租赁为景区提供了灵活的租赁期限选择。景区可以根据自身的运营计划和游客流量情况,随时调整租赁期限,从而有效降低运营成本。
1. 游客体验提升:检票闸机系统的引入,大大缩短了游客的检票时间,提高了入园效率。游客们纷纷表示,现在入园更加方便快捷了,不再需要长时间排队等待。
2. 景区秩序井然:检票闸机系统的智能化管理,使得景区能够更加有效地控制游客流量,维护良好的游览秩序。景区工作人员也表示,现在的工作更加轻松了,不再需要花费大量精力在检票环节上。
3. 运营成本降低:通过租赁检票闸机系统,景区避免了购买全新设备的巨额投入,有效降低了运营成本。同时,灵活的租赁期限也使得景区能够根据实际需求进行调整,进一步提高了资金的使用效率。
**Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Tongren, Guizhou**
In Tongren, a beautiful city in Guizhou, Yuan Tong Rental has won the trust and praise of many customers with its professional equipment rental services and high-quality customer experience. Today, we will share a successful case about Yuan Tong Rentals short-term rental service of channel toll and ticket checking gates for a large tourist attraction in Tongren, and see how short-term rental services helped the customer stand out during the peak tourist season.
I. Background of Customer Needs
Tongren attracts numerous tourists with its rich natural landscapes and unique ethnic culture. With the booming tourism industry, the major tourist attractions in Tongren have also ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. However, facing the surge of tourists during the peak tourist season, how to efficiently and orderly manage tourists and check tickets has become an urgent problem to be solved.
A large tourist attraction, as one of the landmark scenic spots in Tongren, attracts a large number of tourists every summer. In order to ensure the smooth entrance of tourists and the good order of the scenic area, the scenic area decided to introduce a modern channel toll and ticket checking gate system. However, considering the scenic areas own operating costs and capital liquidity, purchasing a new ticket checking gate system was obviously not a wise choice. Therefore, they turned their attention to professional rental services, hoping to find a partner who could provide high-quality ticket checking gate rental
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